Mike's Writing Corner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome to my new writeing website. As I build my page, you will find my poetry and writing, as well as my "Rant of the Week", a column I write about events that are happening in the world this week, and how bizarre I find them. Please note: THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION! | |||||||||||||||||||||||
RANT OF THE WEEK | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
For my first rant of the week, I'm going to talk about the one thing nobody will stop talking about. No, not our, um, "troubled" White House, I'm talking about the Furby. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is the latest toy craze that has people murdering each other to get just one. It is a toy that responds to what you say, how you touch it, and what level the light is. I recently came into possesion of one of these odd little ducks, and I have to say I am impressed. Not only is it the most advanced (childrens) toys I've ever seen, but it is also one of the funnest. Funnest for who? Well, oddly, its not the five or six year olds that one would imagine. If one of them wants one of these things, its because of the way they move and look, not the technological part of it. No, that part is more for young adults, and also cubical dwelling office cronies. I'll admit that for some adults, this toy will be fun. But if others bought it, it would more likely be for their child's college education. Of course, little do they know, in several months I'd bet my bagel that they are don to $20 and piling up in bins at Toys"r"us. People are'nt taking into effect what I call the "cabbage-patch" effect. This is when a toy is released very limited at christmas, and everybody wants one, but afterwards, supply greatly outguns demand. By tyhe middle of the year, everyone who wants one will have one, and need for a Furby will dry up. Sadly, the same thing will happen next year, with another small-released toy, and people will end up paying $200 for a toy that they can get several months later for retail price. And once again next year, people will be insanely killing each other for that toy. Oh, the humanity. Till next week, Adios Muchachos! | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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